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旭茉 JESSICACODE No. 135 12/2013
出版:South China Media
價錢:HKD$ 15
簡 介
JESSICACODE is the Trend Bible for today’s fun-loving and energetic women. We deliver the trendiest news of international and local fashion, beauty, hair, best buys and many more. Practical mix & match tips can be found here to help you to shine in the crowd. 作為一本潮流天書,旭茉 JESSICACODE為讀者帶來最新最流行的資訊,包括世界各地的時裝、美容、髪型及熱賣產品等等;我們更提供實用性高的Mix & Match 示範,讓每個讀者都能以最型的造型示人。
